Nurturing the Seeds of Wisdom Together,

The Old Boys’ Association of Bandaranayake College, Gampaha (BCOBA), has embarked upon a seminal initiative aimed at revitalizing the school’s infrastructure, addressing a longstanding necessity. A specialized team of professional engineers has been engaged to meticulously evaluate areas requiring improvement. The project endeavors to secure the endorsement of esteemed alumni, notably former Nayakens, to furnish indispensable financial backing for its efficient execution.

During the fiscal year 2024/2025, our organization has identified four pivotal initiatives. The primary emphasis, in the initial stage, is on addressing the necessary renovations required at housing unit number 2. Your generous contribution will serve as a cornerstone in revitalizing and enriching the school infrastructure, thereby fostering an environment conducive to learning for both present and future generations. Let us unite in making a profound and enduring impact on the legacy of our alma mater.

Principal's Message

Mr. Kasun Gunarathne

Dear Nayakens,

Greetings, As both the Principal, and a distinguished alumnus of Bandaranayake College, I extend this message with genuine intent.

Our esteemed institution has long been a bastion of learning, molding destinies and shaping futures. Presently, we stand at a critical juncture, poised to enrich the educational journey through infrastructure enhancements. We firmly believe that an improved physical environment will significantly elevate the quality of education imparted.

Your support, be it financial or in the form of valuable insights, is paramount in realizing our collective vision. Together, we can forge ahead, leaving an indelible mark for generations to come. We invite you to join us in this transformative endeavor. For details on how you can contribute, please reach out to your respective batch president or the central OBA office.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to the enduring legacy of Bandaranayake College.

Proposed Strategic Development Blueprint

Year 2024/2025

1. Renovation of School Structures: Buildings No. 02, 05, and 06.
2. Revitalization and Advancement of the Main Hall.
3. Installation of Modernized Restroom Facilities.
4. Enhancement of Water Supply and Electrical Infrastructure.
5. Indoor STADIUM.

Among the listed initiatives, the initial focus will be directed towards the pilot endeavor, which entails the Renovation of Historic Building No. 02, situated along the Yakkala Road. This building, being one of the oldest structures on the premises, demands urgent attention due to a history of inadequate maintenance. The comprehensive inspection conducted by the building survey team revealed extensive damage to the roof, flooring, and walls, along with instances of water seepage and ceiling sheet collapse, as depicted in the accompanying visual documentation.

Objectives of the Renovation Endeavor

To preempt further structural deterioration, particularly mitigating the potential hazards associated with ceiling and roof section collapse.
Building No. 02 is prominently positioned facing the Yakkala Road, serving as a protective enclave for the esteemed landmark structure of the institution, where the college’s name is prominently displayed.

Project Specifications for Building No. 02:

Roof Restoration: Includes roof repair, timber replacement, gutter removal, and valance board installation.
Ceiling Refurbishment: Repairing damaged areas and installing new ceiling where necessary.
Flooring Rehabilitation: Removal of existing floor rendering followed by reconstruction.
Concrete Slab Repair: Addressing cracks and applying waterproofing to sunshade areas.
Painting: Works encompassing wall, ceiling, and steel grill surfaces.
Electrical Inspection and Repairs: Comprehensive assessment and necessary repairs.
External Enhancements: Landscaping and other external improvements.

Procurement Process

The BCOBA has drafted a comprehensive tender document for Building No. 02, outlining the specified scope of work.
Interested parties have been invited to submit their proposals, with four bids received to date.
The evaluation committee is currently assessing the tenders, with the expectation that the lowest bid meeting all requirements will be selected for the project.

Projected Budget for the Listed Projects

School Building No. 02: Estimated at LKR 7.0 million
Main Hall Refurbishment: Budget details forthcoming
Restroom Facilities: Budget details forthcoming
Repair and Upgrade of Water Supply and Electrical Services: Budget details forthcoming
Indoor Stadium: Budget details forthcoming

Transparency and Auditing

Rigorous adherence to transparency and auditing standards will govern the allocation and utilization of donor funds.
Periodic financial updates will be provided to ensure ongoing accountability and transparency.

Technical Advisory Board

Mr. Mahesh Masinghe [BSc Q.S. (Hons), AIQSSL, MRICS)] – Nayakens ‘87
Buddhika Edirisooriya [BSc Engineering (Hons), MEng. (Struct), C.Eng., MIE (SL), MSSE (SL)] – Nayakens ‘97
Prasanna Narangoda [BSc Engineering (Hons), MSc Engineering, C.Eng., MIESL, MECSL] – Nayakens ‘97
Mr. Samantha Hewage [B.Arch (Hons), AIA (SL)] – Nayakens ‘02  
Mr. Eranda Adhikari [BSc Engineering, C.Eng., MBA] – Nayakens ‘97
Mr. Daminda Edirisinghe [BSc Engineering, C.Eng., MBA] – Nayakens ‘02
Mr. Charaka Rathnakara [MIT (UK), AIESL (SL)] – Nayakens ‘91

Let's collaborate in creating a positive impact! Your active participation can truly make a significant difference. Kindly encourage your batch mates to deposit into the aforementioned account. To ensure transparency, please collect the deposit copy (photo/image) from your mates and share it with us for our records.

Your dedication to Bandaranayake College is genuinely appreciated, and we express our heartfelt gratitude for your time and commitment. As a token of our thanks, the contributions from individuals will be formally acknowledged through a letter of appreciation.

Account Information:

A/C No: 1000722060
A/C Name: PPA of Bandaranayake College
Bank: Commercial Bank, Gampaha
Reference: [Your Batch][Your Names with Initials]

Best regards,
Sachithra Prabha
Executive Secretary,
Old Boys' Association,
Bandaranayake College, Gampaha.